Session Details

Session Details

Callsign: YF75 Operator Location: Lat: 50.8452011, Long: -1.0697052 Time: May 30, 2024, 3:44 am
Name Call Sign RST Received RST Sent Location Frequency Notes Distance (km) Distance (miles) Logged At
Alex Smith YF75 49 48 Dunfermline, Scotland, UK 27.73125 M Signal and audio were both good, making the contact easy. 767.14 km 476.68 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Michael Williams YF75 48 58 Queensferry, Scotland, the UK 27.73125 M A few signal drops were experienced, but the communication remained clear. 757.38 km 470.61 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Emily Brown YF75 59 59 Derry, Northern Ireland, the UK 27.73125 M Signal was clear and consistent throughout the contact. 1037.74 km 644.82 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Michael Johnson YF75 59 57 Blackpool Tower, Blackpool, Lancashire, the UK 27.73125 M Good audio quality, although the signal strength fluctuated. 564.25 km 350.61 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Laura Jones YF75 59 58 Braintree, Essex, UK 27.73125 M Signal strength was excellent, but audio quality varied slightly. 128.02 km 79.55 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Chris Harris YF75 59 57 Tring, Hertfordshire, UK 27.73125 M Perfect signal with no interruptions. 218.7 km 135.89 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Chris Johnson YF75 49 59 Rye, East Sussex, UK 27.73125 M Audio quality was clear, but there were occasional signal interferences. 38.68 km 24.03 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
John Wilson YF75 57 59 Rye, East Sussex, UK 27.73125 M A few signal drops were experienced, but the communication remained clear. 38.68 km 24.03 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Chris White YF75 49 56 Rye, East Sussex, UK 27.73125 M Audio quality was clear, but there were occasional signal interferences. 38.68 km 24.03 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Alan Brown YF75 59 48 Rye, East Sussex, UK 27.73125 M Experienced some interference, but overall, the communication was successful. 38.68 km 24.03 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45
Sarah Thomas YF75 48 48 Rye, East Sussex, UK 27.73125 M Signal was consistent, with only minor audio quality issues. 38.68 km 24.03 miles 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Session Summary

Average RST Received 4.55 / 5 (8.64 / 9)
Average RST Sent 4.73 / 5 (7.91 / 9)
Overall Experience: 9.23 / 10

Alex Smith

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 49 RST Sent: 48

Location: Dunfermline, Scotland, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 767.14 km / 476.67854894 miles

Notes: Signal and audio were both good, making the contact easy.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Michael Williams

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 48 RST Sent: 58

Location: Queensferry, Scotland, the UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 757.38 km / 470.61396798 miles

Notes: A few signal drops were experienced, but the communication remained clear.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Emily Brown

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 59 RST Sent: 59

Location: Derry, Northern Ireland, the UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 1037.74 km / 644.82154154 miles

Notes: Signal was clear and consistent throughout the contact.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Michael Johnson

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 59 RST Sent: 57

Location: Blackpool Tower, Blackpool, Lancashire, the UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 564.25 km / 350.60858675 miles

Notes: Good audio quality, although the signal strength fluctuated.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Laura Jones

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 59 RST Sent: 58

Location: Braintree, Essex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 128.02 km / 79.54791542 miles

Notes: Signal strength was excellent, but audio quality varied slightly.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Chris Harris

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 59 RST Sent: 57

Location: Tring, Hertfordshire, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 218.70 km / 135.89383770 miles

Notes: Perfect signal with no interruptions.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Chris Johnson

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 49 RST Sent: 59

Location: Rye, East Sussex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 38.68 km / 24.03463028 miles

Notes: Audio quality was clear, but there were occasional signal interferences.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

John Wilson

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 57 RST Sent: 59

Location: Rye, East Sussex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 38.68 km / 24.03463028 miles

Notes: A few signal drops were experienced, but the communication remained clear.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Chris White

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 49 RST Sent: 56

Location: Rye, East Sussex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 38.68 km / 24.03463028 miles

Notes: Audio quality was clear, but there were occasional signal interferences.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Alan Brown

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 59 RST Sent: 48

Location: Rye, East Sussex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 38.68 km / 24.03463028 miles

Notes: Experienced some interference, but overall, the communication was successful.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45

Sarah Thomas

Call Sign: YF75

RST Received: 48 RST Sent: 48

Location: Rye, East Sussex, UK

Frequency: 27.73125 M Band: CB Radio ( Modulation: FM

Distance: 38.68 km / 24.03463028 miles

Notes: Signal was consistent, with only minor audio quality issues.

Logged At: 2024-05-30 03:44:45