Welcome to My QSO

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In Progress

Discover the ongoing projects and improvements we're working on to enhance our services.

Icon Title Description Status
QRZ and Likewise IntegrationExploring the integration possibilities with QRZ and similar platforms for enhanced functionality.API Key Required
Mobile ResponsivenessOptimizing the template for a seamless mobile viewing experience.In Progress 45%
Admin User ManagementEnhancing and optimizing the design for efficient new user management.In Progress 85%
Frequency SelectionAllow users to pick a new frequency from the band selection during a custom session. This feature will be available in the new ADIF3 compatible logger.Complete
API for Third-Party IntegrationDeveloping an API to allow third-party software to read and write locations and callsigns in MYQSO.Pending
Keyboard IntegrationOptimizing the system to allow smooth logging using just a keyboard.In Progress 40%
Retroactive LoggingThe time when data is entered into the logging program doesn't always match the time the QSO occurred. One example is logging on paper and transcribing on a computer logger later. The "log a contact" screen should allow a date and time to be entered; if left blank then the current system time is used.Complete
ADIF3 Export and Import SupportImplemented support for ADIF3 format to enable users to export and import contact data seamlessly.Complete Under Test
Redesigning Radio Logger Interface for ADIF3Updating the radio logger interface to support ADIF3 data points for enhanced data management and usability.Complete Under Test
Redesign Core for Secure ADIF3 Import and ExportRedesigning the core system to ensure secure and reliable ADIF3 contact data import and export.Complete Under Test
Edit Session FunctionalityImplemented a feature to allow editing of session data, storing session ID and callsign securely in the session.Complete
Security EnhancementsEnhanced security by using session variables instead of URL parameters for sensitive data.Complete
Edit Contact PageWork is in progress on the edit contact page to enhance usability and functionality.In Progress 40%

Example Session

See how a completed session looks and discover how it can be shared with others.

This is an example of what a completed session looks like. It can be shared with other locations to showcase detailed operator analytics.

View Session

About Us

Logging Radio Contacts Made Easy

Welcome to My QSO, The simple solution for logging and managing your radio contacts!🎙️

Learn More

Easy Contact Logging

Log contacts with just a few clicks. Our user-friendly interface ensures a smooth experience.

Detailed Analytics

Analyze your logs with comprehensive statistics and insights. Keep track of your communication patterns.

Cloud Sync

Access your logs from anywhere with our cloud sync feature. Your data is always secure and up-to-date.

User Management

Manage your sessions and contacts effortlessly with our robust user management system.

Our Services

Explore the powerful features and services we offer for seamless radio communication logging.

Start New Session

Kickstart your radio sessions with ease and log contacts efficiently.

Custom Sessions

Tailor your sessions to your specific needs with our custom session feature.

Completed Sessions

Review and analyze your completed sessions for better communication management.


Customize your settings to optimize your logging experience.

Log Contact

Efficiently log details of your radio contacts during a session.

Get Contacts

Retrieve and manage your logged contacts with ease.

Get Channels

Access a list of available channels for your radio sessions.

Select Band/Channel

Choose specific bands or channels for optimized communication.

Get Nets

Retrieve a list of all networks available for communication.

Encryption Helper

Secure your data with our built-in encryption and decryption functions.

Get User Frequencies

Retrieve frequencies associated with your user profile.

Get Net Details

Access detailed information about specific networks.

Ready to Get Started?

Join our community of radio enthusiasts today and take your communication logging to the next level!

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